With the Muratore Plan, we can bring balance to Beacon Hill
Matt Muratore is the candidate for State Senate who will be ready on day one to deliver results for all eight communities of the Plymouth and Barnstable District. The Commonwealth faces many challenges—declining revenues, a concerning migrant crisis, and rising prices.
Matt is a family man, a business leader, and a public servant. His experience and leadership will give us an effective voice in the State Senate.
Matt is the only candidate in the race who has taken action to bring an end to the Massachusetts Migrant Crisis. Matt’s message is simple: we cannot afford to keep kicking the can down the road.
Our towns can’t afford it. Our hospitals and healthcare system can’t afford it. Our EMS can’t afford it. Our schools can’t afford it. And families who rely on state services can’t afford it.
As our State Senator, Matt will build on his record of common sense reforms to end the migrant crisis:
- Matt voted against the $1 Billion in funding that prioritizes migrant housing and benefits and takes money away from cities and towns.
- Matt voted against making Massachusetts a Sanctuary State.
- Matt voted against giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.
- Matt voted to put Veterans’ emergency shelter needs ahead of illegal migrants.
- Matt voted to put a residency requirement on the state’s emergency shelter system, prioritizing the needs of Massachusetts Residents.
- Matt voted to make cities and towns in Massachusetts comply with Federal Immigration laws or risk losing local aid.
The Muratore PLAN on the migrant crisis: Matt believes we need to stop the endless funding stream that will continue to support the unsustainable flow of migrants into Massachusetts. But most importantly, Matt will ensure that the needs of Massachusetts residents—particularly our veterans, seniors, and students—are put first.
Matt understands state government runs best when there is a healthy exchange of ideas, and that requires balance and new perspectives in the legislature.
We deserve a State Senator who will be a voice for all. You deserve to know what is happening in your state legislature. We deserve a healthy exchange of ideas that will ultimately yield policies that make Massachusetts a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
As our State Senator, Matt will build on his record of advocating for a more balanced, transparent state government:
- Matt supports a full audit of the legislature and will support the State Auditor’s efforts.
- Matt has voted for common sense proposals to allow 24 hours to read bills before they are voted on, so that legislators do not vote on major policies without having read them.
- Matt supports making all roll call votes and all committee votes public.
- Matt supports making the legislature comply with the open meeting law.
The Muratore PLAN on increasing transparency and accountability: Matt is the only candidate in the race with a proven record of advocating for a more transparent and balanced Massachusetts. Massachusetts ranks last in the nation for government transparency, and Matt understands that this needs to change. Each year, as the legislature adopts its “rules,” Matt will be a consistent vote for transparency. He will introduce and support amendments to allow legislators to actually read the legislation they vote on and publicize all committee and floor votes they take. Matt supports a full audit of the legislature.
As a business leader, Matt understands the hardships facing Massachusetts families and small businesses. Excessive spending and never-ending tax hikes have made Massachusetts unaffordable and uncompetitive.
We need a State Senator who has actually had to make a payroll, and we need a private sector professional who understands the pain of working families. For too long, Massachusetts has needed significant tax relief and inflation-fighting policies; Matt will move us toward a path of more responsible spending.
As our State Senator, Matt will build on his record of advocating for fiscal responsibility:
- Matt voted to make the state sales tax holiday permanent.
- Matt voted to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit to give relief to working families.
- Matt voted to reduce the state sales tax from 6.25% back to 5%.
- Matt voted to reduce the state income tax and supported another measure to reduce state income taxes on those making less than $100,000.
- Matt voted in support of the adoption tax credit.
- Matt voted against new taxes on short-term vacation home rentals.
- Matt voted against raising taxes on small businesses.
- Matt voted in support of the tax deduction for charitable donations.
- Matt fought against the repeal of the harbor maintenance tax credit.
- Matt supports reforming the Estate Tax, raising the unnecessarily-low income threshold.
- Matt supports reducing the short-term capital gains tax.
- Matt voted in favor of increasing the tax credit for those caring for a dependent child, disabled adult, or senior citizen.
The Muratore PLAN on fiscal responsibility: Matt has a proven record of fighting for tax relief in the Commonwealth, and he knows—as a father of six daughters—just how important it is that families have a bit more breathing room in an uncertain economy. As our Senator, Matt will always stand with taxpayers, working to reduce your tax burden and ensure that your tax dollars are spent responsibly. Matt believes we need to build on the tax relief package passed in 2023 and continue the necessary work to make Massachusetts more affordable and more competitive.